Saturday, July 19, 2008


I am so very happy to tell you that I, Kathleen am out of my time out. I was able to finally open my soft package waiting patiently for me by my desk. My swap friend; May Kristen from Norway blessed me with a fabulous pin cushion. Two in fact. The mini one is to be worn upon my finger for hand stitching. Pretty clever! Then the squeeze compartment held a thimble. I am partical to these treasures. In fact I collect them. Something my Grandma started me on. I will have to share some of those soon.
Here is my parcel...

Here is the secret hide away and timble.

Some past news...We went camping on the family property and had a blast. The girls rode bikes, go-kart and hiked. It was a great time. Here are some of the photos..Take notice of Victoria's fun summer pink tip hair.

I have quilt updates as well, but I think I will leave it for tomorrow. Victoria is going to camp and there is packing to do.

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